The Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) is the local government body that is empowered by State Law to consider granting relief from the requirements of the Town’s zoning ordinance. The BZA’s duties fall into three categories:
The board is comprised of five members. Three citizen members are appointed by the Mayor, one of whom must be a member of the Plan Commission. One citizen member is appointed by the Town Council and this appointment must not be a member of the Plan Commission. One member is appointed by the Plan Commission from the Plan Commission’s citizen members. The members must consist of three members from the Rural District and two members from the Urban District. Term of service is four years.
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval. Click here to view the most recent agendas and minutes.
Zionsville, IN 46077
Or email Associate Planner Jonathan Smith
No person shall contact any member of the Board in advance of a public hearing on any pending Petition with intent to influence the Board member's action on such Petition.
A written request for continuance as provided for by these rules shall not be construed to be a prohibited contact of a Board member.
A contact with a Board member who is also a member of the Town Council shall not be construed to be a prohibited contact provided that: (i) all contact is limited to that member's official duties as a Town Council member; and (ii) the Board member who is also a member of the Town Council reports on the substance of such contacts to the other members of the Board during the public hearing.